Life and ideas of Bruno Pontecorvo
Sapozhnikov, Mi.Bruno Pontecorvo is an outstanding Italian and Soviet physicist. His life is amazing: he was born in Pisa, graduated from the University of Rome, worked together with Enrico Fermi and Joliot-Curie. During World War II he emigrated to the United States, where he worked for an oil company and invented the neutron oil logging method. Pontecorvo was involved in the English atomic project Tube Alloys and when he and his wife and three children suddenly emigrated to the USSR in 1950, suspicions of espionage were immediately aroused. Especially since for the next five years no one knew where Pontecorvo was or what he was doing.
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- Вид товара:Книги
- Рубрика:Теоретическая физика. Термодинамика. Синергетика
- Целевое назначение:Научно-популярное издание для взрослых
- ISBN:978-5-6052101-0-8
- Серия:Несерийное издание
- Издательство: Эксмо
- Год издания:2024
- Количество страниц:334
- Тираж:2000
- Формат:60х90/16
- Переплет:твердый переплет
- Автор/Редактор/Составитель:Mikhail Sapozhnikov
- Вес, г.:535
- Код товара:6692179